Monthly Archives: June 2015
The oldest Trilobite fossil in the world: Found in a small town near Salamanca

Written on , by Teresa O'Brian
My Spanish friends love to joke with me about the fact that all the buildings in Salamanca are older than my entire country. This week, to make the historical monuments of Salamanca; including the oldest university in Spain and the ancient Roman Bridge, look young, researchers from a combination of Spanish Universities, came together in Continue Reading
Bienvenidos Profesores ELE!
Written on , by Teresa O'Brian
Esta semana damos la bienvenida a un grupo de profesores de español como lengua extranjera, que vienen de todas partes del mundo. Estamos muy contentos tenerlos aquí en Mester, y esperamos que aprendan y disfrutan lo máximo posible. Han llegado todos ayer, y disfrutaron de una cena de inauguración del curso, en el famoso y Continue Reading
How to Visit the Most Famous Museums & Monuments in Madrid…for FREE!

Written on , by Teresa O'Brian
Take a look at this article, written in Spanish, and if you can understand a bit, your Spanish learning process has already begun! Regardless of where you decide to study in Spain, its almost inevitable that you’ll pass through Madrid. Don’t miss the opportunity to spend some time in this fabulous city! Once you get Continue Reading
Live Life Slower in Spain

Written on , by Teresa O'Brian
Ive been living in Salamanca for two years now. It may not be a lifetime, but its long enough to become accustomed to the cultural differences between Spain and the USA. Each time a friend or family member comes to visit me, I am reminded of how many subtle differences there are between the day-to-day Continue Reading
10 Reasons NOT to Visit Salamanca

Written on , by Teresa O'Brian
After recently posting a blog post about the 10 Reasons to Study Abroad in Salamanca, I came across an article in Spanish, called “11 Razones por las que nunca deberas viajar a Salamanca,” (11 Reasons why you should never visit Salamanca). Here’s another perspective, written by Clara Roberts, and posted on the Matador Network. The Continue Reading