About: Teresa O'Brian
Recent Posts by Teresa O'Brian
Why Spanish for Medicine is so important

With 45 million hispanohablantes in the United States, the importance of Spanish language proficiency in medical practice is growing rapidly and becoming truly essential. In order to provide high quality medical care, doctors, nurses and all other medical personnel must be able to communicate with and understand their patients. Although Medical Interpreters are available, (and Continue Reading
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Categories: Uncategorized
10 Reasons to Study Abroad in Salamanca

Want to improve your Spanish while living in Spain? Overwhelmed by options of where to go? Give Salamanca a chance and you won’t be disappointed! 1. Los Salamantinos speak the purest form of Spanish. Spanish is spoken throughout the world with many different dialects and accents, but Salamanca is a great place to learn due Continue Reading
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Categories: Culture, Studying Abroad in Spain
Tags: abroad, budget, europe, learn spanish, Salamanca, Spain, Spanish, travel
The Best Places to Visit in Spain!

Take advantage of your study abroad experience and TRAVEL SPAIN! Most’s college students who study abroad hope to experience new cultures, improve their skills in a second language, and learn about history firsthand by walking the narrow cobble stone streets – admiring all there is to see. Whichever city you choose as yourstudy abroad destination, Continue Reading
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Categories: Cultural Events, Culture, Studying Abroad in Spain, Uncategorized
Tags: abroad, learn spanish, Salamanca, Spain, Spanish, study, study abroad, travel
Welcome to Mester!

Welcome to Mesters new website, a place for past, present and future students to interact. Mester Academy works hard to continuously improve Spanish language education, and to provide true immersion into Spanish culture. With this blog, we hope to keep students informed about whats going on in our school, as well keep them updated about Continue Reading
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Categories: Mester Updates
Tags: learn spanish, Salamanca, Spain, study abroad
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